
Back Pain Testimony, verbatim

Just want to update you on my progress after my initial visit to Etowah Energy Spa. I had a back injury in the early 1990’s that eventually ended up being a bulging disk.  I refused back surgery and the disk eventually healed itself.

However, it has been painful ever since – sometimes more than others but I live with it.

For about the last 15 months I am pain free during the day as long as I am careful in what I do.  But night time is another story.  Once I get in bed it takes about 15 – 30 minutes of re-adjusting before I can find that sweet spot where I do not experience pain.  In the last 3 months I gave in and purchased a new Tempurpedic mattress.  It was time to replace the one I had and I was hopeful that would solve my problem.  I do stretches in the bed until I feel some click/pop back into place.  That helps but does not alleviate the pain totally.  I have also been taking 2 Tylenol, a pain pill and a muscle relaxer.  None of that knocks out the pain and I was thinking that maybe my new mattress was just too firm.

I am now 6 days post my first experience with the ee System and I am so pleased.  For the last three nights I have gotten into bed and no pain.  I am using the mattress to adjust for reading but not to eliminate pain.

From this experience, I can’t wait to see what my future results can be.  Thank you so much for bringing this device to our area.  It has helped me immensely.


Healing Testimony, verbatim

Here is a brief overview of how I got to where I am with all of this. I have been speaking with several people about my experience and told them that i would write something up and send it out. Gill asked if i would copy you guys.

What led me to try the EESystem . . . This was a 5 year journey that began out in Kansas City with a Chiropractor & Naturopath team, using bioresonance scanning and frequencies to help their patients to heal. They gave me much information about frequencies, resonant frequency, destructive resonance and things like cloud busters and rife technology, thru that research i came to a comprehension of the light and sound applications of traditional Chinese medicine and the ability to combine all of these aspects into one modality like the Harmonic Egg.

Additionally there are more common modalities like “Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation Therapy” which is a “BioPhotonic” treatment protocol working directly upon the blood. This set me on a path to come across many, many diverse people — each dealing with different aspects of frequencies used for helping the body; from diagnosis to destroying pathogens and parasites, increasing the body’s natural energy production, and for stimulating the body’s natural healing process to creating an environment for that healing process to be amplified.

I had received some positive benefits from each of the individual therapies that i tried,  but none that made me think that this alone was an answer to my quest for reversing my health issues, and none, individually or in combination with a huge compliment of tinctures, supplements and IV treatments that I was taking,  could get me ahead of the “curve” — to restore my health to a point that i could begin working consistent hours and applying consistent effort on a daily basis.

Then someone directed me to EESystem.com and some interviews that the inventor had done. The website had several research / clinical studies posted; it had testimonials and a locator page of all system installations and contact information — so I called and talked to a couple of system owners. They shared their experience of using the technology as well as the way they have observed their customers being helped.

The inventor’s statements are as follows:  This technology does not heal anything;  The power that created the body, heals the body;  This Technology system creates an environment that energizes and supports the body’s own healing mechanisms, nullifies all harmful EMF, PEMF, MicroWaves and allows the body to work more efficiently.  It works to repair and restore DNA back to it’s original divine blueprint, it raises the electrical charge of our individual cells so that they can work more efficiently and correctly.  

My first experience: I went to Lexington, KY for 3  consecutive days and sat in an 8 unit system for 6 hours each day, I experienced a significant detoxification reaction (which was anticipated) which made me ill for about 4 days with some symptoms stretching out to 2 weeks. Along with that i experienced a significant reduction in all body inflammation, and targeted specific areas of inflammation. A reduction in overall pain.  Accelerated wound healing.  Increased energy. A significant reduction in my migraines.  And a significant reduction in my brain fog.  These effects lasted approximately 11 days / post treatment, before i noticed a tapering off.My next experience was 2 weeks later, i found a new location, much closer, with a 12 unit system — I did one 4 hour session.  I still experienced a detoxification reaction, though a more mild reaction, and I have been continuing to experience healing in my body, a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot is starting to go away . . . after 6 years, and a hole in my nose is finally filling in and healing over after 30 years.  Again, an increase in energy, decrease in inflammation and overall pain.  Decrease in brain fog and an increase in cognitive function. And a reduction in migraines.  These effects have lasted 6 days so far — it will be 12 days by the time my next session is here — we will see if the effects hold up till then. ***( brief update 9/4: most of the above described effects have continued thru these past 11 days, the degree or intensity will fluctuate at times, but i not noticed a definitive withdrawal or fading as before)***

I will continue to update my progress and i will be looking at bloodwork in the next few weeks to also look at what changes are being exhibited there.

Kidney Testimony, verbatim

I am 76 years old and recently experienced a strengthening of my kidneys after 2 weeks exposure to EESYSTEMS technology. In the past when I drank a lot of water, when I felt the urge to urinate, it was difficult to avoid messing up my underwear, so I drank less water.  Now I can feel my kidneys are stronger, drinking more water, avoiding this kind of worry. I am thankful to Marlu and Gil for sharing this technology and helping people like me. God bless you both. RW

Testimony, verbatim

For the most part I go through life experiencing things as they happen in my own little world not paying great attention to every detail. This morning something happened that stopped me dead in my tracks. I had Lou outside and was watching him as he did his normal business. As I looked at him I realized that I no longer saw an extremly large lymphedema that was dark red and very ugly. What I see now is the color of his fur and soft to the touch. This bulging in his lymphatic system has reduced in size by 85% or more. I am so grateful. He was diagnosed in January, 2022 and then had surgery for renal cancer and lymphedema. I was told that he had two months to live and was strongly encouraged not to do the surgery. But Lou is a fighter and so am I. Having read about med beds I began doing research to see if I could find something for him but also for myself. I began coming to Etowah in late September, 2022 and I began bringing him in early December. I have had some dramatic results but this is not about me. Lou very definitely has more energy, His appetite has picked up and his daily habits are back to normal. Just to be sure I was accurate in what I was seeing concerning the lymphedema I asked a friend who sees his often to look at him. Her conclusions were the same as mine. You would never know it had been there. So, this is a huge thank you. Lou loves coming to the spa. He knows “his chair” my lap and settles in for 2 hours just absorbing the goodness of the energy. A million times – Thank You but especially Thank God for giving us this miracle. -B***** H**

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Etowah Energy Spa

29 Collins Drive, Cartersville, Georgia 30120, United States



Mon 08:00 am – 06:00 pm

Tue 01:00 pm – 09:00 pm

Wed Closed

Thu 08:00 am – 06:00 pm

Fri 10:00 am – 04:00 pm

Sat 10:00 am – 04:00 pm

Sun Closed

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